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July Newsletter

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Kelly's Korner

“A Christianity that constantly talks about all the enemies it has that need to be conquered rather than all the neighbors it has that deserve to be loved is a Christianity that is following fear rather than Jesus.”— Rev. Benjamin Cremer


Consider these questions:  Who are your enemies? Who are your neighbors? Are these people ever the same?


Oftentimes, the people on our enemy list are those who disagree with our ideologies and theologies. These people don’t tend to see the world with the same eyes/lenses as us. These folks don’t likely vote like us. Maybe such folks don’t look like us. Most of the times, these are the ones WE call THEY.


Cremer is right to help us re-center, re-focus. When all we see are enemies instead of neighbors, we are not seeing the world through the eyes of Jesus. Jesus says love your enemies. Jesus chastises his followers for drawing a sword. Jesus reminds us who will inherit the kingdom/reign of God. Jesus instructs us to visit the sick and prisoners, to give food and water to those in need. 


Re-focusing on Jesus always brings us to love. Love is the center of the Christian faith.


Consider these questions:  How can we show all people that we love them? Even in an election year? Everyday even? Will I allow my love to be greater than my fear?


The hymn says, They will know we are Christians by our love.


Hope to see you soon!




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First Christian Church of Macomb

120 North McArthur St

Macomb, IL 61455

© 2023 First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ

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